Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly

Claire Kelly

Feel these in my bones

543 stories

surrealism, Setting: an alley outside the stage door of a theatre. an abandoned bathtub. flying in the air are swirls of white feathers. just feathers without birds. from a fire escape in a building blocks away a luge ice track extends to the bathtub. a very large empty LUGE sled flying off the ICE track into the air about to crash into the tub.
black & white image of the backside of a man standing in a barren land, surrounded by piles of salt and sand, standing next to a shack on a sunny day
Claire Kelly

Claire Kelly

Poems and Dreams

34 stories

Busy city street with a lone person sitting alone among the movement, lights and chaos.
Claire Kelly

Claire Kelly


Friend of Medium

MEMBER SINCE FEB 2021. Spirituality and poetry are my passions by night, and I'm a content writer under daylight. I'm a boost nominator at Write Under the Moon